Saturday, November 3, 2012

after effects tricks Shape Layers

after effects tricks Shape Layers

after effects tricks Shape Layers
We feel shape layers is one of the best features introduced in After ... These new vector- based layers open a ... Excerpt from Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects,
Shape layers contain vector graphics objects called shapes. By default, a shape consists of a path, a stroke, and a fill.
You create shape layers by drawing in the Composition panel with the shape tools or the Pen tool.
Shape paths have two varieties: parametric shape paths and Bezier shape paths. Parametric shape paths are defined numerically, by properties that you can modify and animate after drawing, in the Timeline panel. Bezier shape paths are defined by a collection of vertices (path points) and segments that you can modify in the Composition panel. You work with Bezier shape paths in the same way that you work with mask paths. All mask paths are Bezier paths.
You can modify a shape path by applying path operations, such as Wiggle Paths and Pucker & Bloat. You apply a stroke to a path or fill the area defined by a path with color by applying paint operations.
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