Now you can have telecine-style color correction that fits your workflow rather than imposing a new one. Color Finesse 3 gives you the high-end color correction and enhancement tools you need both as a plug-in for your favorite application—including After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Motion, and Premiere Pro—and as a standalone application. Because the standalone Color Finesse is not limited by restrictions imposed by a host application, it offers improved workflow, video handling, and project management.
Color Finesse 3 is cross-platform and works on systems from laptops to multi-processor workstations, without the need for specific video cards or multiple monitors. Settings move smoothly from plug-in to standalone so you can work the way you want to.
Color Finesse gives you full creative control over the color, mood, and look of your images quickly, easily, and accurately. The difference is visible when you use the best tool for the job.
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Color Finesse as a Plug-in - Above and Beyond Built-in Color Correction
The Color Finesse 3 PI plug-in works directly in After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, and other hosts. You get simple access to color correction directly in the host application as well as via the specialized Color Finesse user interface.
Most video editing software now has its own built-in color correction, but it's often limited in capability, accuracy, and performance. Often you'll need to combine several color correction filters to perform even simple correction. Each filter you add increases rounding error and image degradation. Color Finesse does all its color correction operations without needing to constantly convert formats and round, reducing errors and creating a pristine image.
Color Finesse offers more correction tools—including secondary color correction and curves—than are found in most built-in correctors.
Three-point color correction is a powerful tool, but not when you're stuck with fixed definitions of what a highlight, midtone, and shadow is. Those definitions need to change from scene to scene, so Color Finesse gives you a simple tool to let you decide on the definitions, making three-point correction more intuitive and more effective.
And Color Finesse is a true 32-bit floating point color corrector, not just "floating point capable" and not in only a few correction tools.
Color Finesse as a Standalone Application - Color Correction Without Limits
The Color Finesse 3 standalone application focuses on just one thing: being the best color correction tool possible. Create your own projects or import one from Final Cut Pro via XML. Perform your color correction and output your final footage, or export it back to Final Cut.
Color Finesse 3 plays well with others. It handles QuickTime movies as well as image sequences. It supports image types from JPEG to BMP to TIFF to Targa to Cineon to DPX. It can import and export settings in ASC CDL, Photoshop, Discreet, and Quantel formats. It can preview footage via video cards from AJA, Blackmagic, and others.
Color Finesse 3 HD+ handles footage of all sizes, from standard def to HD to film.
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